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Stop Doing These Gross Things That Women Find Repulsive

I'm doing this for all the women out there because it's getting to the point that they can only tolerate so much sloppiness from men, It's getting out of hand and your gross disgusting and sloppy habits are driving away all your chances of ever ending happily or ending with that girl you like. So stop doing these 7 gross and repulsive habits that women cannot tolerate anymore so you can drive them towards you instead of driving away. 1. SMELLING YOURSELF TO SEE IF YOU'RE CLEAN First of all, you're just having to smell yourself that's a problem itself, if you even have to question if you smell good, we got an issue. You know you didn't do your due diligence but the process itself of checking if you smell good makes you look like a neanderthal and completely uncivilized. Bro I've even seen dudes scratch their ass crack or their armpits or even put their hand in their pants and then smell to see whatit smells like... that's disgusti...

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